Sudan/United Kingdom, 2000
color 56'   African Documentary

Ten years after shooting Kafi's Story, British filmmaker Arthur Howes reentered the Sudan clandestinely to find out what had happened to the Nuba of Torogi.
Everywhere, he encountered the face of jihad, or holy war. For example, a remarkable television program, Fields of Sacrifice, celebrates that week's casualties in the war against the Nuba and features family members thanking Allah for having taken their sons and brothers as martyrs.

Language: Nuba

Director: Arthur Howes

Production Company: Arthur Howes

Venice Film Festival - Italy,
Pan- African Film Festival, Beverley Hills - USA,
Paris Documentary Film Festival - France

Versions: English Subtitles

Availability: Please contact TRIGON FILM - Walter Ruggle [] -

Arthur Howes, (1950-2004) Born in Gibraltar. Was a documentary filmmaker and an expert on Sudan; his work threw a piercing light on the civil war which has ravaged that country. He was a supply teacher in London, before applying for a post of teacher in the Sudan. He found himself in the Nuba Mountains, where he was overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of Nuba culture, particularly the ceremonial boxing matches. He returned home to England and enrolled at the National Film and Television School, where his graduation film, Kafi's Story (1989), was set in the Sudan. Made in collaboration with Amy Hardie, it is an elegant, humorous and vibrant piece. The society Howes found in the Nuba Mountains was almost idyllic, but towards the end of the film it was revealed that the civil war was coming closer. Howes, was unable to obtain a visa to return. He finally entered the country on the premise of filming government celebrations, and his subsequent film, Nuba Conversations (2000), opened with a surreal display of Sudanese government military power. His next film, Benjamin and his Brother (2002), began in a refugee camp in Kenya, where "The Lost Boys" - children who had fled the conflict in the Sudan - where concentrate. Filmography: Kafi's Story, 1989 (made in colaboration with Amy Hardie) Nuba Conversation, 2000 Bejamin and his Brother, 2002 Bachanalias Bahianes  
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